Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Yoga Portraits

 It's time to talk about the love of my life...

 Hmmm... how boring and cliche does that sound?

 Well, we'll talk about yoga today...

 Breathe in, breathe out, we are all one, may all beings in the world be happy... this is just a small part of something, which started way before the humankind knew about Christmas.

 I call yoga: "making love to the Universe", no joke....

 It's not just about turning into pretzel (which can be very pleasant, by the way), it's about self discovery and exploration, as well as appreciation and gratitude towards something much deeper and bigger than one's self.

 It's about finding comfort when you are uncomfortable, still breathing and hanging there even when it's hard, trusting yourself enough to balance on your arms and just letting go and letting be...

 It's about learning not to compare or compete, knowing that we are all different and unique, making the inner critic quiet, and going deep enough to realize that all we need is already within us.

 It's about healthy challenge, knowledge that everything takes time and practice, and understanding that great distances are covered by taking one step at a time.

 It's about bringing more patience, love and acceptance to the world...

 I'd like to complete this post with an amazing poem, written by Ganga White for the Rainforest Benefit:

What if...

What if our religion was each other
If our practice was our life
If prayer, our words

What if the temple was the earth
If forests were our church
If holy water - the rivers, lakes, and oceans

What if meditation was our relationships
If the Teacher was life
If wisdom was self-knowledge
If love was the center of our being.

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