Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Gorgeous Maya

 Is Beauty only skin deep?
I doubt that...

I think Beauty is our inner light, shining through our eyes and making the world a better place to be...

It's about being in the moment and feeling good about yourself. Open heart is crucial as well as good energy...

What if we accepted ourselves just as we are, without trying to change anything?
What if we started being grateful for what we have?

 Maya came to me because she wanted some gorgeous nude portraits of herself, being 25, to show them off to her grandchildren when she gets old.

 I liked the idea a lot! I think, I should shoot more nudes. Moreover, I'd love to have such photo session myself, if I find someone like me to do the work.

 I think human form is beautiful and there is nothing to be ashamed of whatsoever.

Think about it: our bodies are the Temples, where our Souls reside. What's wrong with cherishing them and taking care of them? Why do we take for granted our ability to breathe, see, hear, smell, walk, touch, love, you name it... These are the miracles we should be grateful for on a daily basis.
 Why wouldn't we capture the beauty, while we still have it, so we can look back at it in twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty years from now and be happy, that we allowed ourselves to make it happen?

I can't display anything, which would make my model even slightly uncomfortable on this blog, so I'll share what I can with my curious viewer.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Lauren and Her Beautiful Boys

 I've known their mom when they were not even in project:  a bright, charismatic redhead got my full attention at the group job interview about 4 years ago. I instantly liked Lauren and was absolutely right, as she turned out to be an amazing Human being. She was well traveled, real, smart and hilarious...

 I was keeping up with her life changes on Facebook as she had her first son Ethan. I have to say, those posts would make me smile as I was trying to relate to the whole concept of having a kid, experiencing unconditional love and trying to cope with the daily challenges life had to offer. It didn't seem to be easy, yet was completely worth it on many levels.

 About a year and a half ago Lauren asked me to take her family picture for a Christmas Card. I was super excited: it was a Christmas gift for me to hang out with such a lovely family, see Ethan in person and give a gift of precious memories to such wonderful people. At the time, Lauren was already pregnant with the second child, glowing and beautiful. 

 Photo shoot in Art Village at Balboa Park turned to be fun: Jonathan, Lauren's husband, would ride Ethan on his back, which little boy enjoined enormously, they would kiss, hug, and play, and have a good time, which resulted in some nice images. Special cheers and thanks to Jonathan for making it so easy for me!

 That day was a beginning of my photo journey with this family: I took Lauren's maternity pictures when she was nine month pregnant with JJ, then there was a photo shoot on the beach for Christmas Card 2012 for Hardy family, and, afterwards, the shoot of boys and their happy mommy on a playground.

The question is: how do you photograph a two year old boy, who doesn't want to sit still even for a second? What if he wants to do only what he wants, which is to play, and has no interest whatsoever in looking at your camera? 

First of all, you don't make him to sit down and say "Cheeeeese".
Second, you run along and play with him, until one of you needs a break (hopefully him, so you can take some more shots:)
You join him and enjoy being a kid yourself!

I decided to release my creativity and let myself run with the wind, frolic and shoot. I wanted to express the spirit of play, Ethan's constant movement, and expressions of joy, which he had on his face.   

Let me tell you about JJ now...
JJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Such a sweet heart! The cutest, most adorable and precious baby on  Earth... 

 Now, when I look at the pictures, I can't help it but smile over and over again....


Friday, January 4, 2013

Ukrainian Wedding: My Best Friend

  Gosh, there are so many things I can say about this girl.... She is outstanding, absolutely brilliant, extremely well mannered, but, most importantly, she is beautiful inside and out! Her heart is as big as the Universe, and she warms up the lives of those, who know her like the Sun. She brings light to our daily existence and inspires us to be better humans by her own example.
I'm proud to know her and honored to be her friend.

 Her wedding was perfect in every way. Yes, it's actually possible:)
 Here is a sneak pick.

 Enjoy the Love, the Light, and the Beauty!!!!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Joyful and Genuine Wedding at Windansea Beach La Jolla, CA

Joyful and Genuine Wedding at Windansea Beach La Jolla, CA

I had SO MUCH FUN shooting this wedding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This couple is AWESOME! They love made all our souls warm, they passion was as hot as fire...
They enjoyed every second of their wedding, and so did all their guests as well as the photographer:)

Cheers to Barbara and Joao Paulo!!!!